I got this from Marie, and she complained that I should've already done this since I read her blog, a few of the answers were censored for content, whatever that means! lol! This is what Marie wrote on her blog abobut it: I know everyone loves hearing about me! However, I promised I would respond to this one. Although Cindy, I have to tell you, this is the first one of these that has been censored!LOL! My friend Cindy sent this to me and some of the questions she felt needed to be censored. So these are my answers to the questions....
! This is what Marie said:
How long have you been married? 7 years in October, or otherwise known as the 7 year itch!
How long did you date before you were married? we dated 3 months, then got engaged, then got married 5 months later, but when we got married we'd known each other a year.
4)How long would you say the "honeymoon" phase lasted, and saying it's still going doesn't count? I think it lasted until we had kids! Josh says it was a big adjustment to have kids since he had to then share my attention! He's a great dad though, and he's gotten used to it!
5) How did he/you propose? He actually proposed without a ring, he asked me at this playground by his grandparents house, we were on the swings, he stopped swinging of course, and asked me, and of course I said yes! He asked me officially a few days later with a beautiful ring! I was very impressed that he picked a ring that I know I would've picked myself, and I still love it! =)
6)Does your spouse send/bring you flowers? yes but only for important occasions, anniversaries, valentines...
7) Do you consider your spouse a romantic? yes, but not overly, thankfully because I think too much would make me want to vomit...
8) Are you? Yes
9) What is your favorite romantic date together? we've had a few, but my favorite was when we were in college and he surprised me with a trip to Indy for my birthday and we stayed at this nice hotel downtown, and went to dinner... I can't remember where now, but it was fun!
10) Do you and your spouse hold hands in public? yes
11) Kiss in public? yes
13) Does he/she give you a kiss when he/she comes home at the end of the day? yes, and if he doesn't I remind him!
14) Do you have pet names for each other? yes
15) What are they? he calles me Sunshine, I don't really have any special names, I just call him sweetheart a lot, or honey, you know the usual!
16) What is your favorite physical feature on your spouse? his eyes, I love his beautiful green eyes, and I can read his moods so well through them!
17) Do yo have a date night? we like to do Friday night dates, but lately we take what we can get!
18) Do you sleep on your own side of the bed or do you cuddle when you sleep?yes we have sides of the bed, we don't cuddle all night, just a little bit before we go to sleep. It's something about having kids and being held on to all day, after awhile you just don't want to be touched! If you don't understand, sorry!
19) Have you ever been caught with your hand on your spouse's butt? Not yet!
20) How many times a day do you tell your spouse "I love you"?several times a day...
22) Have you and your spouse ever been "interupted" by your kids? yes but not walked in on.... just kids crying in the other room...it really stinks!
23) CENSURED----
.24) CENSUREDSo, if you've read this, feel free to be tagged. Why should I be the only one..............................