I've officially been graduated from good old Paul Harding H.S. for 10 years tomorrow (which is very soon by my watch). Where did 10 years go? I will have to post some pictures of me from High School, honestly I look the same except I look much more rested in high school, but my hair looks much better now than it did then. (a trade off I guess!)
As I've reflected upon my 10 years out of High School I realize I'm where I expected to be at this age. A mother, and a wife. I didn't expect to be a Military spouse, and live in all the places we've lived, but that's just made life that much more exciting!
In High School I was in Marching Band (yes start all the names, band geek, band fag, etc.) and as I reflect on those years of High School, those were some of the best moments of my High School years. I realized that those people in band were the one's I wanted to see the most, reconnect and spend time with them. So I decided to find out if anyone else felt the same way, and found out I'm not the only one! So I have begun plans to start a reunion for us Band Folks. It has been awesome talking to people I haven't spoken to in a long time, and hope that by getting us all together everyone else will feel the same way, and glad we got together. It's going to be a lot of work, but I know it will be worth it. (and thankfully I know there are other willing friends out there ready to help me!)