I feel sorry for the day Tuesday, because it's no ones favorite day. It's the day after Monday, so still at the beginning of the week. Still several more days till the weekend. It's just Tuesday.
I don't really like Tuesdays either. Not that today was bad, in fact it went pretty well. Went to the Dentist, and got my crown on. Not fun, but this time I was numb for 3 hours after I returned home. I was trying to think of some positive things about the day Tuesday, and I decided on this:
I like Tuesdays because it's one of the days that it's just me and my two girls, while Jonas is away at Preschool. It's one more day closer to the weekend, my house is much more picked up since I did that on Monday.
I'm grateful for these things today:
My new pair of
crocs Love them, so comfy! Everyone should wear them... I got the beach style, and in the brown, I want to get a pair of Mary Janes in Army green, they are so stinkin cute! I would like more colors too... they're addictive shoes! lol!
Sonic- Cherry Coke... yummy! (and their slushies rock too!)
Technology-Talked on my cell phone several times while I was running around today, in the car, at the dentist. And grateful for the cool technology at the dentists office, that saved me time. They took a digital picture of my tooth, used the computer to show how the crown should look and then it digitally cut the crown to fit on my tooth, it was way cool and you can't even tell I got a crown it looks like my tooth!
My hubby, Josh- He was home with the girls today while I went to my dentist appointment. He made them lunch, did all the fun dad stuff, he's a hottie... Need I say more? (I added that last part for Marie, he's hot, but I don't usually add that stuff... but I thought I would just for her as she always talks about her hubby like that and I tease her that she sounds like she's 16 again! lol!)
Bargains: I went to the thrift store and goodwill searching for a new desk, (something smaller than my current desk) and found a large black picture frame from Target, brand new, it was $5, can't beat that! I'm going to get a family picture of us and put it in there! YEAH!
Naps- Maddie and Eliza are both sound asleep!
Hope everyone has a Happy TUESDAY!