Saturday, October 25, 2008

Impromptu photo shoot

Josh's brother Jon and his wife Jenny's little girl is 2 weeks younger than Wyatt and they sent me some adorable pictures of her and this is one of them:

and when I saw them I thought they were adorable, and then thought that looks a lot like the molding in my house I could do that too! I didn't pull out a costume for Wyatt, but here's what I got, and unfortunately Jonas was at school so I didn't get a picture of him, although I don't know if he would've let me take one of him anyway!

Friday, October 24, 2008

What time is it???

It's time for this! After weeks and weeks of Maddie asking, it's FINALLY time for High School Musical 3 which comes out today! We have our tickets for the 6p.m. (pacific time) Oh and on a side note, my Dad graduated from East High School where they did some filming of this movie!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

9 years and 1 day

Our 9th Wedding Anniversary was yesterday. This is one of my favorite pictures from our wedding day of the two of us, and I've wanted to do a page with it forever and I finally did for an on-line scrapbook class I'm taking with Simple Scrapbooks, it's called Design your Life! You can click on the picture to make it bigger!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Adventures in Nursery

So I got a new calling in my ward as the Nursery Leader. To be honest, I really wasn't that excited about it. Yes there are snacks, and all of that, but I get to be home all week with the kids, and hoped to have a calling with adults. But that's not how it ended up. So when I went in my first Sunday which was a couple of weeks ago, it was fun, and I think I'm going to enjoy this calling. It's a small nursery, only 6 kids, 4 girls, 2 boys. Two of the girls are fraternal twins. And one girl is only there some of the time.
Yesterday wasn't as fun, we had some issues with a little girl who doesn't always come, but was there and was being a bully. Then my friends little boy Christopher (not in the picture below) wasn't feeling good so we took him to his Mom.
I took their pictures yesterday which I plan to make with their names on our bulletin board.
Here's a picture of almost everyone at snack time.

We also did bubbles at the end, which they were mostly all excited about. (mostly being the one little girl that doesn't usually come was mad because we wouldn't let her blow the bubbles, so cried and cried about it, I guess she's not used to not getting her way.) The other kids had fun and we did too. We'll have to get a bubble blower I think for next time! =)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Maddie is writing more and more every day. Most of it's spelled phoenetically, the other day she was trying to write six, but instead wrote s-e-x, which gave Josh and I a good chuckle. I'm just happy she wants to write and I'm so proud of how well she's doing in school. Last week she drew this picture for me, and it made me happy, and its been on the fridge all week.
Then yesterday Maddie asked me how to spell Eliza's name, so I told her but didn't think much about it until I came across this paper I found on the floor as I was picking up things after the kids went to bed. I thought it was so sweet. I hope that my kids will not only be siblings, but friends too. And sometimes they may not always get along, but for the most part Maddie and Eliza are good friends.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

8 months

Sorry this is a few days late. Wyatt is now officially 8 months old... and of course still the MOST adorable and sweetest little guy I know! And everyone else agrees he's so easy going!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Diet Macaroni

Conversation with Jonas on the way home from tennis class yesterday:
Me- Jonas, what did you have for lunch at school today?
Jonas- we had diet macaroni
Me-You had "diet" macaroni? Did you have anything else?
Jonas-No just Diet Macraoni
Me- What does diet Macaroni taste like?
Jonas-It tastes like "YUK!" (and sticks his tongue out)
Me-Did you eat it?
Jonas-Yeah,I still ate it.

Our crazy adventures... with 4 great kids...