Thursday, October 02, 2008

Diet Macaroni

Conversation with Jonas on the way home from tennis class yesterday:
Me- Jonas, what did you have for lunch at school today?
Jonas- we had diet macaroni
Me-You had "diet" macaroni? Did you have anything else?
Jonas-No just Diet Macraoni
Me- What does diet Macaroni taste like?
Jonas-It tastes like "YUK!" (and sticks his tongue out)
Me-Did you eat it?
Jonas-Yeah,I still ate it.


Tifanne said...

I didn't know there was such a thing as diet macaroni. What a good laugh!

Gina said...

That is pretty funny. Too bad the diet kind tastes so bad.

heidigoseek said...

I know I owe you a couple recipes...maybe you could share them with Jonas's school:)

Janice said...

That is hilarious!! I always hated school lunches. We would joke that they were serving us roadkill! I guess Jonas's School is that same! I'm sure you got a good chuckle from that conversation!! Hey - we need your address so I can send you some stuff.

Our crazy adventures... with 4 great kids...