Tuesday, October 23, 2007

my own private clean sweep...

A few weeks ago my friend Barbara found out she is having her 3rd girl. The age difference between her 2nd and 3rd will be 5 years. She mentioned she had gotten rid of most of her baby girl things awhile ago, so I told her I'd give her some baby girl clothes since I know I'm having a boy! Anyway, I carried up 6 large plastic storage totes from the basement. I gave her three large trash bags full of clothes sorted out from 0-9months. Then I have a storage tote full of clothes that are wrong season that I'll give to my brother-in-law and his wife that just found out they are having a girl. Then I filled two trash bags and a large diaper box full of clothes that I don't even know why I ever kept them! Then on Monday I finally brought up the kids toys we'd put in boxes when we put in storage when we thought we were going to try and sell the house. I never brought it all up, but I decided once and for all to go through it while Maddie and Jonas were at school and Eliza napped and bag it up and put it in the car. So 4 large storage totes, and 2 medium size boxes later I managed to get 3 trash bags of toys and stuffed animals out of my house, and find a place in the attic for all the kids toys. It was a nice clean sweep for me. It felt so good to take all that stuff to goodwill! It was also like Christmas for the kids to see toys they hadn't seen in 6 months! They have seriously played with their toys more in 2 days than they have in weeks! I think I need to box things up like that more often!


Your favorite sister said...

Gotta love it! Getting rid of stuff always feels good!

I tagged you on my blog,so you gotta do it!

Gina said...

Ah, so nice! Kudos for getting rid of stuff and excited kids over "new" toys!

Our crazy adventures... with 4 great kids...