Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Wyatt

Where did the time go that Wyatt is two years old today!? They've been forcasting snow for days(which I was doubtful of), so to be on the safe side we took Wyatt yesterday to a place called The Jumpin Monkey. It has a bunch of large inflatable toys for the kids to get in and jump. They had a blast. Wyatt was even nice enough to sleep all night, and sleep in this morning! His siblings though were too excited about all the snow that we actually got! Wyatt didn't seem to like the snow. I decided to unpack the trains and our train table out of storage for him to play with, and he's been having fun with that all day.Anyway, I will post more pictures later of him with his cake and presents!

1 comment:

Joshua Hensley said...

Where are his little mittens? No wonder he didn't like the snow :)

Our crazy adventures... with 4 great kids...