Thursday, March 08, 2007

Cleaning house....

Last week Josh and I decided that since we will be putting our home up for sale soon (probably by the end of this month, yikes!) we would need to get as much as possible out of the house to make it easier when people stop by to look at it that they will be able to visualize themselves living here, without having to step over a bunch of kids stuff to do it! So we rented a 10x10 storage unit to put our stuff in temporarily until we get our home sold.

So, today was spent packing up most (not all, they will need some entertainment for the next few months!) of the kids toys to be put into storage, and while doing this I found I have a ton of stuff to get rid of! Yesterday we got a little plastic bag put on our doorknob saying that there will be a pick up of anything left in the bag or anything else we would like to donate to this charity here in town, all I have to do is leave it in visible site from the street and they will pick it up! It feels so nice to declutter. I even got rid of some more of my clothes. I have this terrible tendency to hold on to things for too long, even when I don't really need them/use them. Ever do that?

I read this book a while back called Sink Reflections- by Marla Cilly, she's the Fly Lady, and if you aren't familiar you can go to and check her out! She's got some great tips on how to declutter your life basically. Now I've fallen off the flying wagon, but I do intend to return to it again! It really helped me to stay on track with my home and get rid of stuff. With three kids it's easy for me to want to hold on to things more. I also like Peter Walsh

He is/was (not sure since I haven't watched in awhile) on Clean Sweep. I love that show, not that I have ever been anywhere near the clutter I've seen on that show, but I do know I have things I can get rid of. So anyway, I feel so proud of myself that I have all of this stuff to get rid of and let someone else enjoy it.
I was suprised that Jonas didn't even seem bothered that I had put all of his trains in a box, and his whole train table was empty too. He acted like he could care less. Funny thing happens when you only have a few toys out, they played with these toys they haven't played with in months! ha! I really am going to start rotating their toys at our next home!
Now you are probably wondering why I'm posting a picture of shoes, but I have to post this because this is one of my favorite new things and I think I'm obsessed! They are Mary Jane Crocs... I absolutely LOVE them! I have a pair of black ones, and then a pair of beach style ones in brown and hot pink! They are also SO COMFORTABLE!
Really I am not getting paid to advertise, but I love them so much I had to share.
Then my other new obsession is this color of Vera Bradley bag! Love it! I have a purse, a big bag, and a large duffel bag in it! I don't know what it is with me and these Vera Bradley bags, I've recently purchased another one, that's this cute little pink flower bag. I'll take a picture and show it later, it's ADORABLE! It's also my "unpractical purse" as I call it because it's definately not big enough to fit a diaper, or snacks, which is why I bought it because it's for me only!
I'm headed to snooze land! Night!


jeNnA said...

LOve your wordy Posts! :) This is so you. It's like I get to have a lil conversation with you! :) LOve ya!

Gina said...

I have another blogger friend that loves her mary jane crocs. Very cute, but I think they would make my feet sweat!

Great work decluttering and storing stuff away! I wish you luck as you put the house on the market. I am sure it will sell quick... It's quite the find! I wish we could have come to see it while you lived there.

Our crazy adventures... with 4 great kids...