Monday, October 30, 2006

The countdown has begun...

Josh left yesterday. It finally happend. After weeks of rumors of when they would leave, and dates being told, and then taken back (this is very typical by the way!), he was given the date a week ago that they would leave yesterday morning. They were supposed to leave at 11:30a.m. We had to be at the airport (one on base that does all the Military hops and what not) at 9:30a.m. so when the plane they had was broken, they said they would get them out of there by 12:30. It didn't happen. They ended up leaving at 2:30p.m. Thankfully they had a large room that was for the kids to play in, had a computer for older kids to play games, and a t.v. and a large supply of Disney movies. They also had a place to buy food, and a nearby bathroom. We were set. It was for me a very long emotional day just waiting. Once they finally announced they were to leave, the whole process was quick. I think we got about a 15second final goodbye, and then Josh had to do his job which was to get the rest of the 22 enlisted folks, and the other officer with him to the plane. After all the wait, I was dissppointed in a short goodbye, and I know the other wives were too. Especially the enlisted folks, as I'm sure their spouses will be gone a full 6 months. As we watched them get on the bus that took them out to the plane I finally let myself cry, as cried a little before we left (I cried in private), but now I let it go freely. And I wasn't alone, as there were several other wives and some kids still there. This military life is a difficult one, and I hate to say goodbye to my husband, but as we tried to explain to Jonas and Maddie why Daddy had to leave it reminded me that Josh is going to protect our country. He has an important job to do, and not everyone can do what he does. We are so blessed to live in our country and enjoy the freedoms that we do, and Josh is doing his job to ensure that our country is secure and free. Now I'm not saying I will enjoy being the sole parent, the one who has to take out the trash all the time, change all the diapers, give the baths, get the car cleaned out, and make sure our bills are paid; I know that he is coming back, and this is only just a small fraction of time in our lives that he will miss, and he will be home soon.


Your favorite sister said...

I know it sucks. Why did we sign up for this again? Just joking. It is going to be all right. You are tough and you have lots of people supporting you! He will be home before you know it!:)

Gina said...

Oh, I want to cry with you! What a sad time.

jeNnA said...

MUh! I love you all! big Hugs! We are grateful for Josh! Jeffy says hi too!

Our crazy adventures... with 4 great kids...