Monday, June 26, 2006

gee, I'm so glad it's raining....

Well it's raining. It's okay though, because it forces me to do the things I've needed to get done now for over a week. The first thing I've really needed to do, mop the floor. So while the floor is drying I'm posting on my blog. (my reward!)
I also have needed to get ALL of my towels washed and folded. When we had company we used a lot of towels, and then all of a sudden I realized we were down to just the few towels that I had washed, YIKES! So my first loads of laundry today are towels and sheets! (I usually put that load last). Then I have laundry to do. And all of my bathrooms need cleaned. I'll probably clean those tomorrow. I've already cleaned the kids rooms, and we moved the train table to the attic, so it's more of a playroom now than before, there are a lot more toys up there now. I realzed though, that my kids have LOTS of toys, and we need to go through them again and get rid of some, or put them away for awhile.
As I wrote that paragraph Maddie ran full speed through the dining room with her Strawberry Shortcake Ball (running away from Jonas) and I yelled stop too late and she slipped and fell straight back on the wet kitchen floor. (ugh!) She's okay, but I think she might have a headache soon.
Did I mention Josh is gone till Friday. He is. He's doing some training somewhere in Virginia with some Air Force guys. So it's just me and the kiddos for a few days. Looks like were off to a fantastic start of just me and them. (note the sarcasim. sp??)
On a more positive note, Eliza has been crawling ON HER KNEES now for a few weeks! It's amazing how fast she mastered the crawling compared to her older siblings. They were pulling on their bellies for weeks it seems like. She didn't do it long, and now is all over. Her favorite place to go is in the dining room, of course the one room without carpet! I think she likes to go there to see what she can eat, cause she seems to find leftover food that hasn't been swept up yet. Yes, I know it's gross and I don't LET her do it, but she finds it. It's much more difficult to kid proof when your older two have tons of little parts to toys, and you don't have to worry about them choking on stuff anymore and you have forgotten that point in their lives. I've been quickly reminded of little stuff, so I am constantly picking up and throwing away little things that I think she'll put in her mouth. She finds things anyway, and I'm also constantly doing a sweep in her mouth. She also started pulling herself up on stuff, and isn't doing it on furniture yet, but I'm sure it will be soon, and I'm still waiting for her to start climbing the stairs. (not looking forward to it!) Well I am being requested a drink from Jonas. I see green koolaid coming his way or some milk. =) I also have towels to fold. (yeah!)

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