Monday, November 03, 2008

For Heidi

Okay, if you're all wondering why I'm posting this picture (sorry I was looking for the picture of her in her bathing suit but couldn't find it!), Heidi (the gal on the right) is feeling slighted that I didn't post the link to her blog from my blog.. and YES I do read her blog, and yes Heidi and I are good friends too. So here it is Heidi, I've updated my blogs just for you... and added others that I read (so hopefully no one else will feel neglected!).
So I do read quite a few blogs... and if you feel I've neglected your blog and didn't put it on my sidebar there... LET ME KNOW!

1 comment:

heidigoseek said...

you have a pic of me in my bathing suit??? please lose that one!
love you, hon:)
i don't feel neglected anymore!

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