Saturday, July 05, 2008

One week..

Its been a week since we moved into our new place here in San Diego. We just got the internet hooked up..but it's good that I haven't had it hooked up so I didn't have anything to keep me from unpacking. I'm still upacking. I will hopefully get some pictures posted soon of our trip across the country, our new place, and the 4th of July. Josh is just here for the weekend and has to go back to Virginia. (big frowny face) He will be back in two weeks. So until then it's me alone with the 4 kids, but we've been managing okay. I'll write more later... my brownies are done.


heidigoseek said...

I've checked your blog everyday and I can understand not wanting to do it till you get mostly unpacked. We miss you. It's really quiet over the summer anyway- everyone busy with their children. Look forward to the pics!

Janice said...

Hey there deborah! I wish you could have helped me eat the flag cake too! Maybe I will send one on the plane with Jeremiah when he comes out to San Diego. haha. We miss you guys too! It's sad not seeing your row of blonde children every Sunday.

AmberBaker said...

Still unpacking after a week! I think it took us almost a year to really get everything unpacked (oh no wait, we still have unopened boxes in the garage...). Glad you are closer to us. We should get together when you get all moved in.

Our crazy adventures... with 4 great kids...