Jonas is officially a sunbeam in primary, and today he got to go to his first primary day activity! I think I might have been more excited about it than he was; he seemed to have a good time. I took my camera, but because I am in the presidency and had a part to do for the day I completely forgot to take any pictures! (I'm such a bad mom!) Maddie seemed okay when we left since she got to stay home with Daddy, and help him take care of baby Eliza. I think they had a good time together. Eliza seemed pretty worn out and ready to go to sleep when we got home, she needed mommy's touch though! (he he)
Here are some pictures of the kids from a few days ago. Jonas has been learning about the planets at preschool. He and Maddie were playing they were astronauts and were wearing their helmets so they could breath. It was so funny to watch! Then the other picture is of them playing in a little ducky toy holder that Maddie got for Christmas from Grandma Hensley. They think it's fun to get in and out of it. Then there's another picture of Eliza, just being a baby, but doing it in a cute way of course!